
Regarding the Measures for Travelers

Will all travelers who present with a fever and respiratory symptoms be transported to a medical facility, regardless of the country from which they are arriving?
What is a suspected case of COVID-19? A COVID-19 patient or confirmed case?
Regarding the Measures for Travelers
If a traveler presents fever and respiratory symptoms with one of the following risks within 14 days prior to illness onset: 1) Arrived from or resided in an affected area with from COVID-19 (the list of countries as affected areas is announced on the website of the Department of Disease Control (DDC)), 2) Are residents of the same household with travelers from areas where COVID-19 outbreaks were reported, 3) Worked closely with tourists from areas with ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19, 4) Had close contact with probable or confirmed cases of COVID-19, and 5) Healthcare workers who had contact with people who met the case definition for patients under investigation (PUIs) of COVID-19, then they will be transported to a medical facility. The risks include both factors of travel history from the affected countries and contact history.
If a traveler is suspected for PUI, then public health officers will follow the strict guidelines of the law to bring travelers that fall under the criteria to a medical facility specified by the MOPH so that the aforementioned traveler can be tested, treated, clinically diagnosed, isolated, or quarantined on a case by case basis.
We refer to the suspected cases of COVID-19 as patients under investigation (PUI). If a traveler exhibits the following traits, then they will be considered a PUI as follows;
1) Patients have signs and symptoms as follows:
documented body temperature >37.5 °C accompanied by any of the following respiratory symptoms: cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. With one of the following exposure risks within 14 days prior to illness onset:

1) Arrived from or resided in an area with ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19
2) Are residents of the same household who traveled from areas where COVID-19 outbreaks were reported.
3) Worked closely with tourists from areas with ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19
4) Had close contact with probable or confirmed cases of COVID-19
5) Healthcare workers who had contact with people who met the case definition for patients under investigation (PUIs) of COVID-19.

Confirmed COVID-19 cases are defined as a PUI who has tested positive for genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 by PCR from two reference laboratories, or by genetic sequencing, or by culture.
The Thai Ministry of Public Health is developing the reporting health system in cooperation with the Faculty of Public Health at Chiang Mai University. Travelers can download the reporting system application by scanning a QR code. A workshop to train quarantine officers was held recently; this reporting system is on its way to being implemented soon.
The surveillance officer will use the contact information from the forms that the travelers fill out upon arrival in Thailand. The surveillance officers on-duty can access data of the travelers from the reporting system as well.
Officially Published by the Office of International Cooperation, DDC Thailand Co-partners: WHO Country Office for Thailand
Issued on 11 March 2020 at 5.50 P.M.
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What is the reporting system referred to and how will it be made available to travelers?
If under instructions to self-quarantine, how will the surveillance officer monitor travelers?
Will the surveillance officer contact the traveler, or must the traveler accept responsibility to contact health authorities?
Communication between the travelers and the surveillance officers is interactive. The travelers have to report their symptoms every day, for 14 days. If the traveler exhibits disease symptoms, or if communication is lost, then the surveillance officers will track the traveler, place them back into the system, and follow-up for surveillance, clinical diagnosis, and treatment for prevention and control as determined in the guidelines.
Family members of travelers from Ongoing Local Transmission Areas and Disease Infected Zone, are requested to self-monitor their symptoms because they are in close contact with them. Depending on the guidelines and rules administered by public health officials and immigration officers to the traveler who has entered Thailand, the traveler must either self-monitor or self-quarantine at their accommodations.
Practical guidelines for household members and disinfection in the household● All household members should wash hands with water and soap for at least 20 seconds as frequently as possible in order to reduce the risk of infection and spreading the diseases. In case there is no water and soap, clean hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel that contains at least 70% alcohol concentration.● Keep monitoring symptoms for developing illness among close contacts of those travelers and other household members for 14 days.● The travelers should sleep in a separate bedroom.If it is unavoidable to share a dining table, always use serving spoons.● Do not share personal belongings with those travelers, such as handkerchiefs, drinking glasses and straws.● Avoid being in close contact by keeping 1-2 meters away from others.● When the quarantined individual departs, clean the quarantine area and surfaces such as beds, tables, any utensils in the area and restroom using 5% bleach sodium hypochlorite (proportion: 1 part bleach and 99 parts water).● Clean clothes, bedsheets, towels, etc. with soap or regular detergent and water. Or wash them with hot water at 60-90 degrees Celsius.
Family members who experience onset of 1 or more respiratory symptoms (cough, runny nose, sore throat, and shortness of breath), and/or a fever greater than or equal to 37.5 degrees Celsius, must inform a disease control officer immediately in order to be tested, clinically diagnosed, and treated in a timely manner, allowing officers to also isolate or quarantine as necessary to prevent transmission.
This announcement applies to all travelers departing from Disease Infected Zones or countries with Ongoing Local Transmission of COVID-19 announced by the Kingdom of Thailand.
Officially Published by the Office of International Cooperation, DDC Thailand Co-partners: WHO Country Office for Thailand
Issued on 11 March 2020 at 5.50 P.M.
What are, if any, the measures that will be applied to family members of travelers coming from Disease Infected Zones or from Ongoing Local Transmission Areas? Are family members of travelers subject to any restriction of movement or activity, including work or school?
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Who does this announcement apply to (i.e. diplomats, Thai people, non-Thai, business,
travelers, NGO workers etc.)?
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What are Disease Infected Zones and Ongoing Local Transmission Areas? How are these
What is the process for travelers who spent time in-transit in a Disease Infected Zone while on their way to Thailand? If travelers depart from a country that is not considered a Disease Infected Zone, but transit at an airport in a Disease Infected Zone will they be under the same protocol as a traveler coming from a Disease Infected Zone?
All passengers who transited for at least 12 hours at an airport in a Disease Infected Zone or who passed through immigration in a Disease Infected Zone, must pass the entry screening including a thermal scan, fill the T8 form, and provide the necessary information to the officers at the Quarantine Office upon arrival to Thailand. Before boarding, the passengers will have their body temperatures rechecked and need to pass the exit screening prepared by the airlines. During the period of transit, we request the cooperation from the passengers to implement social distancing and only stay in the area near the gate
See the page for the most updated information: https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/ eng/index.php - A Disease Infected Zone is defined as a country or special administrative region reporting over 1,000 confirmed cases and the ongoing local transmission cases consecutively for 14 days
-Ongoing local transmission is defined as a country or special administrative region reporting cases for two consecutive weeks
As of now, we plan to bring this issue for further discussion with the EOC, MoPH
Yes, but those who would like to leave Thailand or return to their homes, must receive permission from the communicable disease control officer, and must not have symptoms in order to pass exit screening.
The traveler should be requested to show the permission form which states that they have received approval from the communicable disease control officer/health authorities/Thai authorities and show to officers/authorities at the airport before leaving Thailand or return to their home. And the traveler must pass exit screening procedures. Those who want to leave Thailand or return to their home but did not ask for permission from the disease control officer, shall be punished according to Communicable Diseases Act, B.E. 2558 (2015) if they attempt to depart.
After the official announcement, if travelers do not comply with the law, they will face penalty under the law. The offender will be fined up to 100,000 Thai Baht or imprisoned up to one year in jail or both of those penalties.
Officially Published by the Office of International Cooperation, DDC Thailand Co-partners: WHO Country Office for Thailand
Issued on 11 March 2020 at 5.50 P.M.
A: A:
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Is there official documentation or certification for the travelers from Disease Infected Zones to confirm that 14 days of quarantine has been completed?
Can travelers from Disease Infected Zones under mandatory self-quarantine leave Thailand or return to their homes in Disease Infected Zones before the 14-day duration is complete?
Do they need permission to go to the airport? Will they be punished if they decide to go to the airport without contacting an officer?
What is the process to enforce the Communicable Disease Act for offenders? What is the penalty for those who do not abide by the MOPH regulations?
For healthy passengers from Disease Infected Zones, how will they be transported to their accommodations for mandatory self-quarantine?
They are responsible for arranging transportation on their own. During transit to the accommodations, please wear a mask.
In the case where passengers would like to change the hotel or residence, they need to ask the permission from the disease control officer. Thus, they have to provide all reservations of the accommodations at the immigration office by filling in T8 form for the benefit of both (travelers and officers)
Yes. But please strictly follow the advice for people and family members who arrive from the affected areas as shown in the DDC website. If the family members develop symptoms, they must go to the hospital and follow the procedures
We encourage them to avoid using the swimming pools and facilities that have gatherings of people. Currently, we do not have evidence about the spreading of the disease in swimming pools, but it can spread via droplets with people staying together beside the pools.
For restaurants, it is fine to use private tables, but in public areas, people should separate their personal items, use serving spoons and clean hands before having meals.

Actually, we encourage all managers and operators of hotels or other services not to discriminate against the customer based on their nationality or recent travel history. However, the protocol or the actual practice depends on hotels’ rules and regulations.
It is hard to confirm valid information on the T.8 form, it shows flight information, personal information, travel history, symptoms, and reserved accommodations. It means we can check with that information and will contact the hotel for more information. If travelers do not follow our laws and measures, we will use the penalty under the Communicable Diseases Act, B.E. 2558 (2015).
Are travelers from Disease Infected Zones allowed to change hotels during their mandatory 14-day self-quarantine? What if they already made reservations for multiple hotels?
Are families allowed to stay together in the same room during mandatory 14-day self- quarantine?
Are travelers from Disease Infected Zones who are under the mandatory 14-day quarantine allowed to use the facilities at hotels (swimming pools, saunas, restaurants etc.)
What if hotels or other services discriminate against people coming from Disease Infected Zones? Are hotels allowed to deny service to guests based on nationality or recent travel history?
How does Thailand track people who lie about their accommodations/contact information on their T8 form and arrival card?
Officially Published by the Office of International Cooperation, DDC Thailand Co-partners: WHO Country Office for Thailand
Issued on 11 March 2020 at 5.50 P.M.
Coronavirus Disease 2019. There are many strains of coronaviruses. The pandemic we
are experiencing is with a new (novel) strain that was discovered in 2019, hence the name: COVID-19. Disease Infected Zones (DIZ): See page for the most updated information:
https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/eng/index.php ( add info about the local transmission case )
Ongoing Local Transmission Areas: See page for the most updated information:https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/eng/index.php
Penalty: If travelers do not comply with the law, they will be under the penalty of the law, meaning the offender will be fined up to 100,000 Thai Baht, or imprisoned up to one year in jail, or receive both of these penalties.
Self-Monitoring: Body temperature screening twice a day, every day since arriving in Thailand, for a total of 14 days. If you have fever with respiratory symptoms, report to the local health authority.
Self-Prevention: maintain wear a mask, wash hands frequently with soap or avoid people who have symptoms, stay at home when feeling sick, clean and sterilize frequently-touched equipment and surfaces.
Self-Quarantine: People have to quarantine themselves in areas (rooms in household, in the reserved hotel room) no less than 14 days until the end of the infectious period or the reason for suspicion. People are not allowed to go outside without permission from disease control officers (emergency case). Moreover, people must practice self-prevention measures. If a fever develops during the quarantine period, they are required to inform the disease control officers immediately.
Social-Distancing: page5image1696208by avoiding mass gathering events If possible,
an alcohol-based hand sanitizer,
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good personal hygiene i.e.
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Separate yourself from other people
Officially Published by the Office of International Cooperation, DDC Thailand Co-partners: WHO Country Office for Thailand
Issued on 11 March 2020 at 5.50 P.M.
, avoiding
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crowded places or remaining out of congregated settings.
limit interactions with others as



태국 부동산 꿀팁 및 콘도 매매 세금 (태국 현지 부동산이 알려주는 태국 부동산)

태국에서 거주를 위한 방법과 종류에 대해서 알아보자. 태국은 외국인의 토지 소유가 원칙적으로 금지 되어 있고 주거를 목적으로 하는 경우 크게 3가지로 분류해서 알아보도록 하자.  1. 토지 (대지) 2. 무반 (전원주택) 3. 콘도 (한국의 아파트 개념) 1번과 2번은 한번에 묶어 보는것이 편하다. 대지를 구매하고 전원 주택을 직접 올리거나 그렇게 올려져 있는 전원 주택에서 지낼 수 있다. 매매를 하기 위해서는 일반 외국인은 불가능하다. 태국 현지에 법인 회사를 설립하면 그 회사는 태국에서 토지를 매매할 수 있지만, 태국 현지 법인이 100% 지분 구조를 가지기 힘들어 불안해 하는 경우가 많다. 또한 토지는 천천히 가격이 상승하지만 시간이 한국보다 더욱 느리다는 점이 외국인들의 매매를 고민하게 하는 사항이다. 장기적인 관점으로 바라 본다면 충분히 투자 가치가 높지만 초기 비용이 많이 발생한다는 점과 회사를 보유 하고 있어야 한다는 조건이 접근성이 떨어진다.  그러면 일반 외국인들은 3번의 항목을 가장 많이 선택하게 된다. 태국은 한국의 전세개념이 없다. 갑과 을의 관계도 아직도 세입자 보호가 약한게 현실이다. 월세를 계약할 때는 1년 계약이 기본이며 협의에 따라 조정하기도 한다. 1년 계약시 2달치의 보증금과 1달치의 선불과 함께 총 3개월치의 월세를 계약시 준다. 보증금이 한국보다 낮지만 월세는 약간 높은 편이다. 가끔 오해하는 부분이 월세를 집주인들이 마음데로 설정하는 것이 아니라는 점이다. 1~3,000 바트는 집주인들이 컨디션에 따라 설정을 하지만 기준점이 되는 렌트가격은 콘도 매매가를 따른다. 복잡한 계산 없이 쉽게 설명하자면 대출을 끼고 매매를 한 집주인들의 한달 대출금이 한달 월세와 거의 비슷하다.  그래서 태국에서 콘도를 구매하여 지내는 경우가 있는데 5년이상 보유하거나 실제 거주를 할 예정이라면 괜찮은 선택이다. 콘도 매매를 하게 되면 콘도 매매가와 세금이 발생한다. 콘도 매매가는 다양한...

슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 대박이 태국 국제학교 정보 및 학비

"슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다" 의 인기스타 대박이의 태국 국제학교 생활에 대해서 방영 되었는데 재아가 테니스 시합이 있어서 나머지 아이들도 엄마와 함께 태국에서 생활을 하고 있다고 한다. 그러면 이동국의 아이들이 다니는 학교는 어디일까? 영국계 태국 국제학교 태국의 국제학교는 크게 영국, 미국, 싱가폴계의 커리큘럼을 따르는 학교들이 많이 있는데 영국계가 가장 학비도 높고 인기가 높은 편이고 한국인들은 미국계의 커리큘럼을 선호하는 편이다. 영국계는 3학기로 구성되고 미국계는 2학기로 구성되어 한국과 비슷하다. 대박이가 잠깐 다닌 국제학교는 "세인트앤드류 국제학교"로 세인트앤드류는 태국 국제학교 중에서도 학비가 높은 편이며 태국 전역에 다양한 분교가 있다. 이동국의 아이들이 다니는 학교는 태국 방콕에서 외곽쪽에 속하는 "St.Andrews Samakee international School" 이다. 뒤에 붙은 사마끼가 지역명이 들어가 있는데 라용쪽에 있는 세인트앤드류 국제학교는 승마장까지 있다. 학교 홈페이지 :  http://www.standrews-samakee.com/ 태국 국제학교 학비 과연 학비는 어떨까? 대박이는 아직 유치원생정도인데 태국 국제학교는 학년이 올라갈 수록 학비가 올라간다. 세인트앤드류는 영국계로 3학기로 학비를 3번 내야한다. 가장 어린 나이의 학비는 약 700 만원이다. 고등학생이 되면 약 2천만원 정도까지 올라간다. 그래서 태국에서도 외국인 자녀나 태국 중산층 자녀들이 다니는 학교로 볼 수 있다. 학비 이외에 다른 비용을 생각하면 일반적인 교육 보다 많이 들어가는 것을 알 수 있지만 타 국가에 비해 저렴 하고 넓은 국토 덕분에 드넓은 학교 부지와 시설, 그리고 태국의 저렴한 물가는 매력적이다. 썸머 캠프 대박이가 다닌 코스는 정식 학비가 지출되는 스텝이 아니다. 3학기 동안 방학기간에는 썸머 스쿨과 같이 단기 코스로 외부 학생을 받아서 수업을 하...

방콕 맥주집 TOP 5 (Feat. 세계 맥주 매니아들이 뽑은 태국 방콕 맥주집 리스트)

맥주를 즐겨마시는 사람들에게는 맛있는 맥주를 맛볼 수 있는것도 하나의 큰 재미다. 태국은 싱하 맥주, 창 맥주, 레오 맥주 등과 같이 태국 브랜드의 경쟁력있는 맥주 브랜드가 있는데 식당 혹은 펍을 가면 생맥주로 즐길 수 있다. 자국에서 즐기는 생맥주는 참 맛을 느낄 수 있도록 해주는데 브랜드별로 생맥주를 제공하므로 태국 맥주부터 즐겨보도록 하자. 이제는 해외에서 인정하는 태국 방콕내에 맥주집 리스트며 세계의 맥주를 생맥주 형태 혹은 병 맥주로 즐길 수 있는 곳이다. 웹사이트를 링크 걸어두었으니 직접 원하는 맥주가 있는지 확인해볼 수 있다.  1. Milkkeller Bangok  링크 : https://www.facebook.com/pg/mikkellerbangkok 에까마이 쏘이 10에 위치한 곳으로 한국인들의 리뷰가 상당히 많은 정도로 유명해진 맥주집이다. 예약 따위는 받지 않고 워크인으로만 받는다.  2. HOBS  링크 : https://www.facebook.com/HOBSThailand 여러지점이 존재하지만 아무래도 통로점이 가장 유명하다. 세계의 생맥주와 병 맥주를 판매하는데 맛도 좋고 분위기도 좋은 곳이다. 주변에 멜로우, 쉬바 등 다른 맥주 집도 옹기종기 모여 있는데 홉스가 아직까지는 가장 인기가 좋다.  3. BREW 링크 : https://www.facebook.com/brewbkk 통로지역에서 핫 플레이스로 통했던 씬스페이스에서 새롭게 뜨고 있는 통로 17 로 최근에 옮겼다. 통로 특유의 분위기를 살린 커뮤니티 몰인데 Brew 뿐만 아니라 다양한 맥주집이 옹기종기 모여있는데 홉스쪽에서 이쪽으로 분위기는 옮겨 왔다고 해도 무방하다.  4. Hair of the dog 링크 : https://www.facebook.com/pg/hairofthedogbkk 에까마이와 통로지역...