

กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก กันยายน, 2019

ขาย​ 1 นอน​ 3.25​ล้าน​ ตึก​ C ชั้น​ 22 คอนโด​ ลุมพินี​ เพลส​ พระราม​9 - รัชดา​ นัดดูห้องติดต่อ ผึ้ง 0898932445 Line id : @deedeecondo https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40deedeecondo

ขาย​ 1  นอน​ 3.25​ล้าน​ ตึก​ C  ชั้น​ 22  คอนโด​ ลุมพินี​ เพลส​ พระราม​9 - รัชดา​ นัดดูห้องติดต่อ ผึ้ง 0898932445 Line id : @deedeecondo https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40deedeecondo

Even though we've been together a lot of time with a good, At some point, when you think it's not, Don't feel sorry for what we've been doing together. You have to get organized. You shouldn't keep giving them opportunities even though you know they're not. When I first realized that I wasn't, You should stop walking and not feel sorry for it. It's easy to recommend to others, It's hard when it's my job. You're losing your cool. Become stupid. You make the same mistake over and ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I've moved the text from the Kakaotalk profile of an acquaintance. I don't know the author of the book and the name of the book, so I don't know where it came from. Maybe it's a story that someone thinks about once in a while. There is nothing certain about connection and disconnection in human relationships. You always think I'm gonna give you a chance to make up for it. Rather, wouldn't it lead to one side leaning from being equal to the other? Just leave it running. Organize naturally and cover with a flow to the sunde. Let's not say thank you and say sorry to the person I care about. Let's just keep in mind the things that we should be more careful and attentive to when we are close.

Even though we've been together a lot of time with a good, At some point, when you think it's not, Don't feel sorry for what we've been doing together. You have to get organized. You shouldn't keep giving them opportunities even though you know they're not. When I first realized that I wasn't, You should stop walking and not feel sorry for it. It's easy to recommend to others, It's hard when it's my job. You're losing your cool. Become stupid. You make the same mistake over and ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I've moved the text from the Kakaotalk profile of an acquaintance. I don't know the author of the book and the name of the book, so I don't know where it came from. Maybe it's a story that someone thinks about once in a while. There is nothing certain about connection and disconnection in human relationships. You always think I'm gonna give you a chance to make up for it. Rath...

Thai ads are quite creative and have a strong fresh feeling. Unlike Korean ads that use the traditional image of celebrities, Thailand is quite popular with humor that uses images that are not stereotyped at all like ordinary people and reveals the Thai nature of the "Michaelai" culture.

Thai ads are quite creative and have a strong fresh feeling. Unlike Korean ads that use the traditional image of celebrities, Thailand is quite popular with humor that uses images that are not stereotyped at all like ordinary people and reveals the Thai nature of the "Mai pen rai" culture. In Thailand, I often see content making through YouTube, which is an advertisement using Gopro, which is a very interesting mix of Thailand's unique sexy and humor codes. The content, which maximizes hearing and vision, is also advertising a theme park opened in Kaohsiung, which has been hailed as a vacation spot for people living in Bangkok in a very large, well-preserved national park like Jirisan National Park. So, land prices are skyrocketing naturally and luxury hotels and resorts are increasing. They still protect nature, so they seem to maintain a good parallel to each other He also seems to have failed to appeal much to foreigners, although the accommodation and tours o...

If you're watching Thai real estate investment

If you're watching Thai real estate investment, The Rama9 region has emerged as a new city center due to intensive investment, and real estate investment has been brisk. First of all, traffic takes one or two stops from the MRT Phra Ram9 subway station to the Makkusan Airport link and BTS Asoke station. The map is easy to enter, so the map is located on the right side of the airport ( southeast side of Pattaya) and on the left is on the upper side of Bangkok (Siambang-myeon).  Numerous large and small offices have been relocated around the G tower, along with the population of offices such as the Thai Stock Exchange, AIA Insurance Company, True Telecom, GHB Bank Headquarters, MCOT Broadcasting Station and Subway Corporation. There are Regent, KIS, and SISB international schools outside of the Thai school of Udommussa, and the Salisbury International School in the former RCA golf course has almost completed its relocation work. Also, Palam9 International Hospital, Bangkok I...

Korean news is noisy every day because of a BMW fire. It is said that there are fires in foreign countries, especially in Korea, and many people are curious about the price of cars, so we want to start with the price of Benz Thailand.

Korean news is noisy every day because of a BMW fire. It is said that there are fires in foreign countries, especially in Korea, and many people are curious about the price of cars, so we want to start with the price of Benz Thailand. In Thailand, Japanese brands such as Toyota and Honda are popular brands like Korean modern-day cars, and they are recognized at a higher level than their status in Korea, such as Toyota's AlphaD van, Camry and Accord. It has a production plant in Thailand, which offers Thailand at relatively low prices with high import tariffs and is the most favored brand backed by finance. Two other brands of Mercedes and BMW. The premium for Mercedes is a little high among the axes. The two European brands offer a much higher drop-off than in Korea, and the price range explains some of the reasons why it has been maintained. What is the price of a car like the 520d, which is so much called Gangnam Sonata in Korea? The highest-priced Maybach S560, priced at around ...

The current Korean soccer trend is not unusual, considering that it is a popularity linked to the Asian Games win.

The current Korean soccer trend is not unusual, considering that it is a popularity linked to the Asian Games win. Although it is not far-reaching yet compared to the days when soccer players were enthusiastic about soccer players after the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup, I hope that I can continue this trend in a good mood as I watch soccer fans who are packed with the national team's practice field.  With the emergence of new players such as Porcelain, Lee Seung-woo, Kim Min-jae and Hwang In-beom, it is quite good to see the influx of girl fans. I hope that with the heat shifting to professional football enjoyed by the entire nation like baseball, there are many positive aspects to soccer, along with such wishes, the KFA is creating decent content through SNS channels such as Instagram.  When one character gathers together to become a big content, and a culture of sharing and enjoying is established, I think there will definitely be a positive trend in soccer. Europe and other c...

The Baiyok Tower, which had maintained the tallest building in Thailand

The Baiyok Tower, which had maintained the tallest building in Thailand, was pushed back. It is a 77-story building, but it has a title of 314.2 meters and is now all it has to do to attract tourists. We sometimes go to Baiko Tower by using buffet, but the lounge still had the best view, but we had to have a cocktail like the entrance fee concept. Apart from the price, the atmosphere is crowded like the neighborhood market. I think we never went there again. There is a Chinese-style international buffet in Baikkkkon. Although the international tour is busy and the Chinese style is quiet, I don't often go there because I don't have any advantages other than the cheap ones, but I'm looking forward to the Mahanakon this time A 75 percent hotel in Ritz-Carlton could be acquired by King Power and brought in another brand. Rather than the five-year construction and the unique shape of India's richest house, King Power took over. The owner of the Leicester soccer team and the ...

Many Koreans are curious about the real estate market in Thailand

Many Koreans are curious about the real estate market in Thailand, which they once visited on an overseas trip. Until now, if I look back on my life in Thailand, I should have had my own condo even if I was too busy, instead of being able to live alone and rent a place where transportation is good, and I should have learned golf during the day.  Bangkok's Pallam9 region, which is now largely occupied, has new buildings coming up day by day, while Sukumbit, which climbed up day by day, is still going up without a hitch. Most Koreans are negative about the Thai property market, saying that big price differences and premium prices like Korea are hard to expect, but they gradually rise and become traded.  In fact, if you talk to people who have been around, you want to buy condominiums, but you are often forced to rent them because you cannot afford to buy them with cash without a loan. The most important thing is that when actual transactions are made and long-term rather than sh...

태국 콘도 계약시 보증금 1달로 변경? 정확하게 알려 드립니다

태국 콘도 계약시 월세 2달치를 보증금으로 1달치는 선불로 내서 총 3개월을 준비해서 하고 있다. 올해 보증금 분쟁 문제를 해결하기 위해서 새로운 법이 시행 되었는데 기존 2개월치에서 1개월치로 바뀐다는 내용이다. 그래서 대부분의 임차인 들이 바뀐 법으로 적용 받기를 원한다. 정확하게 말씀드리면 기존과 동일합니다. 바뀐 법은 동일한 건물에 5채 이상 보유한 사람에 한해 보증금을 1달치만 받도록 하였답니다. 콘도 임대를 할 때 다수를 소유하고 있는 사람은 그렇게 하면 되지만 대부분 5채 이하라 2개월치로 받아 기대하던데로 바뀌는건 어려워 보인다. 그리고 보증금은 다른것으로 대체 할 수 있는 것이 아니라 그 집에 대한 파손에 대한 보험 개념이라고 보면 된다. 태국 부동산 표준 계약서를 보면 보증금은 월세 등과 같이 다른것으로 대체하는것이 아니라 집 파손에 대한 부분에만 적용 받는다고 되어 있다. 결국 계약이 정상적으로 끝나면 서로 집에 대한 상태를 확인하고 파손이 없다면 사용한 전기세를 제외 하고 돌려 주는것이다. 대부분의 경우 서로 정리하고 돌려 받지만 인터넷에 보면 가끔 분쟁을 이어가고 있는 사람이 종종 있다. 자극적인 내용들이 머리에 오래 남는것처럼 소수의 문제지만 억울한 상황이라면 태국의 소비자 보호원이 있으니 그곳에서 도움을 요청할 수 있다.

태국 한달살기 주의해야 할 점

사진 출처 : https://www.google.co.th/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiSismQgunkAhVJP48KHSCtBeYQjhx6BAgBEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.thaivisa.com%2Ftopic%2F1038496-court-decides-airbnb-illegal-in-thailand-for-daily-and-weekly-rental%2F&psig=AOvVaw2J5f9tZO2pSUepU4JNPtCk&ust=1569399264907328 요즘 한달 살기가 유행이라 태국쪽에도 관심이 많은것 같다. 한국의 분위기와 달리 태국은 요즘 TM30 이라는 24시간 거주지 신고 양식 문제로 시끌벅적하다. 태국은 연간 2천만명이 넘는 관광객이 오는 관광대국이라 한국에서 한번은 태국을 방문 경험이 있는사람이 더 많다. 그래서인지 한달살기가 유행을 하면서 방콕, 치앙마이와 같은 대도시에 관심을 가지는 경우가 많은데 주의해야 할 점에 대해 적어보려 한다. 우선 한달살기를 태국의 한 도시로 정해졌다면 거주지를 정해야 할 것이다. 그후에 무엇을 하고 지낼지 결정을 할것이고 말이다. 태국의 거주형태는 한국의 아파트처럼 콘도에 많이 거주하고 무반처럼 전원주택의 형태도 있지만 관리와 위치 등 여러가지 고려사항중에 콘도가 우선 순위가 될 것이다. 태국 콘도는 기본적으로 1년을 원칙으로 한다. 6개월은 종종 협의에 따라 가능하지만 그 이하는 거의 이뤄지지 않는다. 새 입주자를 받으면 청소부터 다양한 조건들에 따라 상황이 생기는데 그것이 매달 생긴다면 꽤 귀찮기도 할 뿐더러 실제 거주의 목적이라면 6개월 이상이 정상적인 상황이기 때문이다. 현재 태국법상 단기로 임대를 주는것은 호텔업으로 들어가서 정식 사업자와 등록이 이루어져야 가능하다. 콘도의 주인이 직접 하더라도 등록이 안된다. 콘도 라는것...

ขาย​ 1 นอน​ 3.18 ล้าน​ ตึก​ C ชั้น​ 20 วิวตะวันออก​ คอนโด​ ลุมพินีเพลส​ พระราม​ 9-รัชดา​ นัดดูห้องติดต่อ ผึ้ง 0898932445 Line id : @deedeecondo https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40deedeecondo

ขาย​ 1 นอน​ 3.18 ล้าน​ ตึก​ C ชั้น​ 20  วิวตะวันออก​ คอนโด​ ลุมพินีเพลส​ พระราม​ 9-รัชดา​ นัดดูห้องติดต่อ ผึ้ง 0898932445 Line id : @deedeecondo https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40deedeecondo

ให้เช่า​ 1 นอน​ 12,000 บาท​ ตึก​ B ชั้น​ 29 คอนโด​ ลุมพินี​ เพลส​ พระราม​9 - รัชดา

ให้เช่า​ 1 นอน​ 12,000 บาท​ ตึก​ B ชั้น​ 29  คอนโด​ ลุมพินี​ เพลส​ พระราม​9 - รัชดา Lumpini Place Rama9 Condo For Rent 1bedroom building B 29 Floors 1yrs contact 12,000 per month นัดดูห้องติดต่อ ผึ้ง 0898932445 Line id : @deedeecondo https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40deedeecondo