Q: Will all travelers who present with a fever and respiratory symptoms be transported to a medical facility, regardless of the country from which they are arriving? Q: What is a suspected case of COVID-19? A COVID-19 patient or confirmed case? A: Q&A Regarding the Measures for Travelers If a traveler presents fever and respiratory symptoms with one of the following risks within 14 days prior to illness onset: 1) Arrived from or resided in an affected area with from COVID-19 (the list of countries as affected areas is announced on the website of the Department of Disease Control (DDC)), 2) Are residents of the same household with travelers from areas where COVID-19 outbreaks were reported, 3) Worked closely with tourists from areas with ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19, 4) Had close contact with probable or confirmed cases of COVID-19, and 5) Healthcare workers who had contact with people who met the case definition for patients under investigation (PUIs) of COV...